The tobacco company, JT, is trying to brainwash Japanese people.
(L) No smoking during the lunch time ( 11:30-14:00) is very odd setup, only seen in Japan.
I have never seen this kind ridiculous sign board in any part of the world.
This setup came from the idea that the selection of smoking and non-smoking seat during lunch-time
rush hour is inefficient. This is, absolutely, not from the point of health of customers or restaurant workers.
(M) It appears to be adequate to separate the smoking and non-smoking seats on each floor of the building.
However, there exists no consideration of the adverse effects of toxic floating gas on the restaurant workers,
at the floor level which allows smoking.
(R) The sign board shows that smoking is allowed on the counter seats, but not on the table seats.
This means all space of this restaurant is same to the smoking room, that does not protect a child's health.
A mother should recognize the high risk of cigarette smoke in this restaurant.
(L) This picture shows a restaurant or pub for smokers. In this food shop, all customers and workers will inhale a toxic cigarette smoke.
(R) A non-smoking seat in a space, in which smoking is allowed, is equal to the smoking seat.
A sign plate of 'non-smoking seat' in the smoking space should be forbidden.
It cheated a customer by the tricky 'sign against smoking'.
The above five pictures were photographed a TV commercial sponsored by Japan Tobacco Inc. in March 2010.
Tobacco industry promotes to establish a separate smoking room in a restaurant and pub for smokers, and is
trying to control the mind of all Japanese people that the combined systems of non-smoking and smoking spaces
are just like a standard form for an eating industry. Their method of a brainwashing is to put a commercial,
as shown above, on television in a frequent interval. All advanced countries in America, Europe and Oceania
have abandoned the method to separate an eating place into the non-smoking and smoking. However,
Japan Tobacco Inc. insists and supports to provide and keep a space, in which smoking is allowed. Their
concept does not include the very dangerous carcinogeniceffects of second-hand smoke. The company fears
to adopt a total smoking ban in the entire area of Japan, in that event, many smokers may quit cigarette, and
the amount of sold tobacco would decrease in the significant degree.
TV commercial by Japan Tobacco Inc.( Broadcasted in November 2012 )
JT always opposes to the total smoking ban, and insists to provide a smoking-booth inside of a building.
Door-less Smoking Space in the Narita International Airport
Door-less entrance/exit of the smoking space at Narita International Airport
Door-less entrance/exit of the smoking space at Narita International Airport
Photographed in March 2010
Door-less Smoking Space in the New Chitose Airport
A special smoking space equipped with a potent ventilation system is called as 'SMOKERS STYLE',
provided by Japan Tobacco Inc., at the New Citose Airport, Hokkaido. There is no entrance and/or exit door.
This was photographed in September 2009.
(L) Japan Tobacco Inc. (JT) is studying about the air flow in a smoking room to try to oppose a total prohibition.
Blue plate represents smoking area, red plate non-smoking area.
(M)(R) Smoking space in New Chitose Airport
(L) Door-less entrance/exit of the smoking space
(M) Japan Tobacco Inc.(JT), here, is campaigning about a strong aspiration power of tobacco smoke.
(R) JT insists to provide a ventilated smoking space in indoor public buildings.
The Japan Tobacco Inc.(JT) and tobacco retailer request and to provide a separate room for smokers,
instead of the total smoking ban in a public space, such as restaurant and pub. They disagree and deny
the relation of cause and effect of tobacco on the human body.
This shows an advertisement displayed attached to the wall of the platform st Tameike-Sanno subway station,
very closed to the prime minister's official residence.
It says Japan Tobacco Inc. will make an effort to create a comfortable society for smokers and non-smokers.
Three important items: keep smoking manner, do social activity to clean a street and supporting creating of
a separate indoor smoking room.
A scene of video commercial to promote a separate smoking-room system, appeared in TV Asahi
One by one, but is one step toward to the future: JT
朝日新聞全ページ大の広告 2016年1月17日
問題として 広報しています。一応、健康上のリスクを示唆しながら、それを認識した上で喫煙するのは本人次第なので、
TV advertisement by JT: Smoking style in a hotel, in an office and in a restaurant
JTのテレビコマーシャル(テレビ東京 2017)
What we want to make in this country is an advanced society in dividing smoking and non-smoking section in each place.
We propose the various kinds of space separation in society, making it as a new lifestyle. It is our desire to create various
forms of smoking room, that we want to go forward with new and consistent feelings. JT (2017)
TV tobacco advertisement by JT
Japanese Government allows this kind of tobacco advertisement.
A video created by WHO to stop tobacco-industry-interference campaign.
→ JTが広告主として強い影響力を及ぼしているテレビ番組:
テレビ朝日「報道ステーシヨン」、TBS「NEWS 23」、テレビ東京「カンブリア宮殿」、フジテレビ「土曜プレミアム」、
喫煙室を上質の旅客サービスと考える時代錯誤のJR 東海、JR 西日本、近畿日本鉄道
海外からの観光客は全室禁煙ホテルを望む(日本にも続々誕生 、全室禁煙ホテル
NHK報道:「WHO 日本のたばこ対策は世界でも最低レベル」
分煙制度定着のための分煙補助金 (世界の動向に逆行する反健康的制度)
世界最悪の自民党政府受動喫煙防止法案 2018
2009年9月執筆 2012年11月加筆 2016年1月加筆 2023年7月修正 医学博士 宮本順伯
The photographs were taken and the article was written in September 2009,
and last revised in July 2023, by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright (C) 2009 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.
Smoke-free Hotel and Travel
Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban