![]() Healthier United Kingdom |
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as United Kingdom, the UK, or the Britain, is a sovereign nation located off the northwestern coast of continental Europe. Northern Ireland shares a land border with the region of Republic of Ireland. Apart from this land border, the UK is surrounded by the sea of Atlantic Ocean, North Sea, the English Channel and the Irish Sea.
This map shows the territories that were at one time or another part of the British Empire.
The British Overseas Territories are underlined in red.( Source:Wikipedia )
London is one of the world's three largest financial centers, alongside New York and Tokyo.
The centre of the City of London
(L) A view of Stonehenge, a world heritage site, 200km west of London, photographed in May 2000.
(R) The Roman Baths, a world heritage site, southwest of England
(L) A farm land surrounded by the rich greenery in Scotland, photographed in May 1989.
(R) A cool windy beach along the route 836, west of John o' Groats, Scotland's northernmost
(L) A thatched country pub, near Braunton, in the western England
(R) Ye Olde Fighting Cook, claimed to be the oldest in England
A public house, informally known as a pub, is a drinking-establishment licensed to serve alcoholic drinks for
consumption on the premises in countries and regions of British influence.A little definitive difference is in
existence between pubs, bars, inns, taverns and lounges where alcohol is served commercially. A pub that
offers lodging may be called an inn or, sometimes, hotel in the UK.
The recent figures show that beer sales have slumped to their lowest levels since the great depression of
the 1030's. The future of the pub does not look good. Despite high taxes upon beer, there will always be
pubs that will survive, but equally there will be a vast number that will not.
The Ale-House Door, 1790, painting by Henry Singleton
The reduction of British cigarette smokers with years
Total population in UK is estimated about 61,000,000 in 2009. The number of smokers is reported about
10,000,000 in 2007. In 1948, the first surveys were conducted, when the eight of 10 were smokers -
the highest level ever recorded. The proportion of smokers fell rapidly during the periods of 1970s and
1980s and continues to decline steadily. About one in four British inhabitants over the age of 16 now smokes,
with the rate slightly higher among men than women.
Source: BBC News June 29, 2007
Reducing exposure to secondhand smoke
Secondhand smoke is a mixture of side stream smoke from the burning tip of a cigarette, and mainstream smoke
exhaled by a smoker. A scientific evidence shows that there is no safe level of exposure. It is dangerous. It causes
a lung cancer and childhood respiratory disease. There is also evidence that tobacco smoke is a cause of ischemic
heart disease and cot death, middle ear disease and asthmatic attacks in children.
Restrictions on smoking in public places and work places are necessary to protect non smokers. Parents need to
be informed about the effects of secondhand smoke on their children.
Source: Department of Health,UK, July, 1 2007.
Smokers may face tougher bans.
The government launched plans to halve the number of smokers in Britain by the end of the decade and said it
would consider removing branding from cigarette packets and banning cigarette vending machines. At this point,
21 percent of the population smoke and ministers want to reduce that figure to 10 percent by 2020, with
a particular focus on young people. One day, soon, we'll look back and find it hard to remember why anyone
ever smoked in the first place." said Health Secretary Andy Burnham. The number of people lighting up has fallen
by a quarter in the past decade pursuant to various policies,including a ban on advertising, putting grisly pictures
on packets and raising the age of sale for tobacco to 18.
In 2007, the government introduced a ban on smoking in virtually all enclosed public places and workplaces,
and last year 337,000 people quit cigarettes. However, despite falling smoking rates, the number of deaths
attributed to smoking is 80,000 a year, costing the National Health Service some 2.7 billion pounds a year.
The government said seven out of 10 smokers want to give up and, as part of the new strategy, smoking
restrictions will be reviewed to see if they should be extended to include entrances to buildings. It also will look
at protecting children from second-hand smoke by promoting smoke-free homes and cars.
Ministers are also to consider the case for plain packaging, and banning the sale of tobacco from vending
machines as part of the moves to deter young people. Now that we've banned advertising and will soon see
an end to attractive displays in shops, the only remaining method of advertising tobacco is the packaging,"
Burnham said. The Tobacco Manufacturers Association said it welcomed the crackdown on an illicit trade
but criticized other proposals. The British Medical Association's head of science and ethics, Vivienne Nathanson
praised the plans and said they would "save lives and protect health."
Measures like banning vending machines, improving NHS Stop Smoking Services, tackling tobacco
smuggling and maintaining awareness campaigns to encourage smokers to quit will pave the way for a
smokefree society," she said in a statement. Tobacco is one of the leading preventable causes of death in the
world and kills more than 5 million people a year. Smoking rates in Britain and other European countries
have been coming down in recent years, and that decrease is reflected in falling rates of lung cancer, particularly
among men.
Source: Reuters London, February 1, 2010
UK will ban the display of tobacco products in shops.
The U.K. government said in March 2011, it plans to ban the display of tobacco products in shops and may
introduce plain packaging, as lawmakers seek to curb the take-up of smoking and improve public health.
Under the Tobacco Control Plan, restrictions which ban the advertising of tobacco products, except under
certain limited circumstances, will come into effect in large shops in April 2012,and in all shops from April
2015. The government said there is evidence that the display of tobacco products in shops can promote
smoking by young people and undermine the resolve of adult smokers who are trying to quit. If the policies
are implemented, the U.K. would become the first European Union country to introduce plain cigarette packs.
Furthermore, a ban on tobacco sales from vending machines is due to come into effect in Octber 2011.
In November 2010, the coalition government's health department issued a policy paper that claimed smoking
causes 80,000 deaths each year in the U.K.Source: BBC News Health, 9 March 2011
Air view of London from JAL aircraft, photographed in June 2013, by Dr. Junhaku Miyamoto.
UK is the first EU country to adopt plain packaging for cigarettes.
The law on plain-packaging on cigarette packets enters into force.
Britain will become the first Member State to introduce plain packaging on cigarette packets after members
of the House of Lords rubber-stamped a new law on March 15. Peers agreed to the change without a vote
after the member of parliament overwhelmingly approved the move, despite fierce opposition from the
tobacco industry.
The law will come into effect in May 2016; four years after Australia made the change. Smoking rates have
fallen in Australia since then, although tobacco companies have blamed the decline on tax hikes.
Source:EurActiv.com March 17, 2015
Ban smoking in cars, says British Medical Association
All smoking in cars should be banned across the UK to protect people from second-hand smoke, doctors say.
The British Medical Association called for the extension of the current ban on smoking in public places after
reviewing the evidence of the dangers. It highlighted research showing the levels of toxins in a car can be
up to 23 times higher than in a smoky bar. However, the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Smoking and
Health even said calling for an immediate ban could be "counterproductive" as a consensus needed to be built
across society before taking such as the step. The group said there should be a consultation on tackling
smoking in cars, which could look at whether it would be better to have an outright ban, or if more could be
achieved by raising awareness about the dangers through education campaigns. It pointed out that policing a
ban on smoking in cars could be difficult.
No part of the UK has yet implemented a ban, although ministers in Northern Ireland have said they will
launch a consultation on the issue. Meanwhile, in Wales, a public awareness campaign has begun highlighting
the dangers of smoking in cars. Officials have said if that does not succeed over the next three years, a ban
will be introduced. Neither England nor Scotland are currently considering introducing legislation at the moment.
However, the BMA believes tougher action is needed. The doctors' union said an outright ban- even if there
were no passengers - would be the best way of protecting children as well as non-smoking adults. It said
the young were particularly vulnerable to the second-hand smoke as they absorbed more pollutants, and their
immune systems were less developed. Research has shown that cigarette smoke can increase the risk of a range
of conditions, including sudden infant death syndrome and asthma, as well as impairing lung function. Dr.
Vivienne Nathanson, head of science at the BMA, admitted introducing a ban would be a "bold and courageous"
move. She added: "The evidence for extending smoke-free legislation is compelling.
Source: BBC News, November 17, 2011
Smoking Ban in North Ireland.
Heathrow International Airport 2006
Heathrow International Airport 2016
Removal of smoking rooms from UK, Canada, USA and Scandinavian Hotels.
WHO advised the governments of each nation should introduce a law to enforce a total smoking ban in a public indoor space.
2007年7月 英国全面禁煙へ転換
英語は事実上の世界共通語となっている。England、 Wales、 Scotland、 Northern Ireland の4つの自治区から構成されている。
(左)スコットランド旧貴族の館 (右)スコットランド北端、北大西洋と北海の波が押し寄せる砂浜: 撮影 May 1989
(左)イングランド南部にある世界遺産、ストーンヘンジ (右)世界遺産、バースのローマ浴場跡: 撮影 May 2000
Source: BBC News June 29, 2007
(L)ロンドン南西部にあるホテル併設の小さなバー:撮影 May 2000
引用:BBC News health 他
下院も既に通過しており、2016年5月にイングランドで導入される。 宣伝色を排除し、健康被害を強調する写真や
たばこ業界は知的財産の侵害に当たると訴えているほか、 偽造や密輸が増えるとして法的措置を検討している。
べきであるとする見解を英国医師会(British Medical Society)が16日、発表した。受動喫煙による深刻な健康被害を
英国医師会は11月16日,政府への提言を主な目的とした資料「Smoking in vehicles」を作成したと発表した。英健康
記事および写真の著作権は 医学博士 宮本順伯に帰属
★ リンクは自由
The photographs were taken in May 1989, and in May 2000.
The article was written in April 2008, and revised in December 2011, Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D.,PhD.
A photograph was added in June 2013.
Information was added in June 2020.
英国のコロナウィルス対策 2020
Smoking Ban in European Countries
North Ireland