
Jiufen, Taiwan

Rooftop of a Chinese temple in Jiufen and Keelung faced to the East China Sea.

Jiufen, also spelled Jioufen or Chiufen is a mountain area in the Ruifang District near Keelung, Taiwan. Many
present features of Jiufen reflect the era under Japanese colonization, with many Nipponese inns surviving to
this day. Gold-mining activity declined after World War II, and the mine was shut off in 1971. Jiufen quickly
went into decline, and for a while, the town was mostly forgotten.

For the beginning of the 1990s, Jiufen experienced a tourist boom that has shaped the town as a tourist
attraction. Soon retro-Chinese style cafes, tea houses, and souvenir stores bearing the name "City of Sadness"
were built. Jiufen also became popular in 2001 due to its resemblance to the downtown in the anime movie
Spirited Away. Jiufen soon attracted tourists from Japan. Many Japanese travel magazines and guide books
about Taiwan introduced Jiufen. It became a must-visit place among tourists. However, Miyazaki himself denied
that Jiufen was the model city of the movie. At present, Jiufen is a renowned tourist attraction representative
of Taiwan. It draws many tourists from Taipei during the weekends.

その昔、九分(カウフン )は台湾の一寒村に過ぎなかったが、19世紀末に金の採掘が開始されたことに伴い徐々に
路地や石段は当時に造られたものであり、酒家(料理店)などの建物が多数残されている。 しかし、第二次世界大戦後

ヒットとなった映画『悲情城市(A City of Sadness)』のロケ地となったことにより、九分は再び脚光を浴びるように
(引用:Wipipedia )

ことが出来たのか そうしたシーンを説明することもなく、たとえそれが空想の世界であっても、アニメを見るものを

Steep stairs and the rooftop with gods at a Chinese temple in Jiufen

Retro-Chinese style souvenir stores: This place is somewhat similar to Mont-Saint-Michel in France.

(L) A cat stands just like a white statue. (R) A retro-Chinese style tea house, one of the symbol tea houses in Jiufen

Cats on the roof at Ruifang (Houtong is well-known as a cat village and in one train-station distance from Ruifang.)


Taiwan 2009
Smoke-free Taiwan Yaoyuan Airport Taiwan High Speed Rail Taiwan Railway
Welfare and security support by Taipei MRT Taipei along MRT line (Hot Spring Valley, National Palace Museum )
Taipei long MRT line ( Long Shan Temple ) Taipei along MRT line ( Taipei 101 Building )
Taipei along MRT line ( Grand Hotel Taipei, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall,NationalTaiwanUniversity )
Kaohsiung MRT, Kaohsiung Airport  Kaohsiung City Smoke-free public transportation 
No smoking guest room in Taiwan Smoke-free restaurant and bar in Taiwan Smoke-free Hospital
Health warning for smoking in Taiwan A new era in a chinese culture and life in the island of Taiwan
Departure from Taiwan

Taiwan 2016

Railway trip in Taiwan 2016 Jiufen Sun Moon Lake Hotel Taipei Grand Hotel
Taipei Grand Hyatt Hotel Taipei city tour 2016 Japanese influence on culture of Taiwan

Jiufen カウフン
執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The photographs were taken in Dcember 2016, and article was written in January 2017,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright (C) 2016 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.

Sun Moon Lake Hotel

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel

受動喫煙防止条例  屋内全面禁煙  屋内喫煙設備撤去 鉄道車内完全禁煙 レンタカー レストラン バー 飲食店 ホテル 空港 喫煙規制
Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban
  Twitter@worldviewtokyo Twitter@smokefreejpn Twitter@criticismjpn