![]() Taipei Rapid Transit System 台北捷運 |
Taipei (population 2.7 million) , the Capital of Taiwan, is developing a network of the 4 underground metro lines
and 1 automated elevated light rail metro line to relieve the city from traffic congestion. The red, green and
orange lines are now operated jointly. Green labeled trains from Danshui run through to Xindian, and orange
labeled trains from Beitou run trough to Nanshijiao.
(L) A token embedded with a microchip that records the passenger's destination.
Train riders scan their tokens over the turnstile reader when entered the ticket gate, then drop it through a slot in the
exit gate when they leave. (R) A thick IC card of 'one day pass'.
台北の都市鉄道は捷運( MRT=Mass Rapid Transit )の路線網で構成されている。大別して、南北に走る淡水・新店線、
特殊な路線である。高架橋を走る電車の窓からは、 台北市の繁華街を見ることが出来る。MRTは4分〜10分に1本発車し、
MRTの各駅には自動券売機が設置されており、コインを利用してチケットを購入出来る。片道一回乗車券(single journey)
An automatic ticket gate of MRT.
DanshuiLine 淡水線
A route map of the Danshui line
淡水線は台北中心部から市北部を縦断し、淡水へと至る路線。路線のイメージカラーから紅線 とも呼ばれる。民権西路駅
The concourse of MRT Taipei Main Station.
Danshui is located near the outlet of the Danshui River into Taiwan Strait. Fishing boats in front.
(L) Danshui Waterfront, a popular location for viewing the sunset. (R) MRT Danshui station
(L)MRT Danshui station (M) Interior of MRT train. (R) Inside of Danshui Line train for bicycle and wheel chairs.
A high-raised condominium near the MRT Hongshulin.
The largest train depot in the MRT railways, in the area between Beitou and Fuxinggang.
MRT Beitou station. The right hand platform is for the train to North Beitou.
Hot Spring Valley is located at the end of Chung-Shan Road, about 15 minutes walk from Xinbeitou MRT station.
Once you got off a train, you may smell very strong sulfurous gas. The entrance to Hot Spring Valley is surrounded
by hot spring spas. The steaming creek coming from Hot Spring Valley. Local residents and visitors go near
the creek for a warm foot bath.
(L) MRT Xinbeitou station (R) Hot Spring Valley stone monument.
(L)(M) The Hot Spring Valley Hotel (R) Natural chinese banyan in the Xinbeitou.
(左)北投温泉郷大飯店 (右)カジュマル
(L) A hot water stream in the Hot Spring Valley
(R) Thermal Pool, Hot Spring Valley. The temperature of hot spring is between 80 and 100 degrees.
(L) Young women enjoying a foot bath in the hot water stream flowing from the thermal pool .
(M) A stepping-stone-walk to improve the blood circulation in the feet placed in the Beitou hot spring park.
(R) A lotus flower in the Beitou hot spring park.
(左)足湯を楽しむ女性たち (中)北投温泉親水公園の足裏踏み石 (右)公園温泉博物館近くの蓮池
1923年には、当時皇太子だった昭和天皇が北投温泉を訪問した。 戦後、中華民国政府は北投温泉を歓楽街として位置づけ、
(M) It was very comfortable to put feet into the warm stream from the thermalpool.
(R) MRT Xinbeitou station
(L) A construction work was underway to open a hot spring resort hotel by Kagaya Hotel in Japan. This photograph was taken in May 2009.
(R) A joint venture of the Kagaya, Japan and Taiwanese real estate developer,
Radium Tech opened the 71.1 million-dollar Onsen Inn at Beitou, near Taipei.
(L) Opening ceremony held on December 18, 2010 (R) This hotel adopted Japanese-style hospitality to welcome all gusts..
The reasons that Kagaya made a big capital expenditure in the hotel are friendly Taiwanese to visitors from Japan
and the number of Japanese tourist to Taiwan reach to 130,000 per annuum.
Photo source: TV Asahi January 18, 2011
The price for overnight stay in this Japanese-style hot-spring hotel ranges over 30,000 ( $274 ) to 72,000 ( $873 ) Yen
with the evening meal and breakfast.
'Onsen' inn exported Japanese hospitality to Taiwan. : The number of tourists visiting Taiwan has surpassed 500
million and hotel occupancy rates have sharply grown. Radium Kagaya, spotting the business opportunities in
Taiwan, made its official debut in Taiwan’s hotel industry on Dec. 18, 2010.
Now, a prestigious hotel company will bring the hospitality and other hallmarks of the Japanese ryokan to
Taiwan in the form of a sprawling inn in Beitou. The giant 14-story hotel, north of Taipei has 90 guest rooms
and four under-ground levels, and it features a huge bath with natural hot spring water flowing in from Beitou's
sulfuric source. The estimated construction cost of the hotel is 6 billion yen ($71.1 million). It is reported that
the 98 per cent of guests of the new Radium-Kagaya was Taiwanese.
Source: Asahi Com. September 7, 2010 and TV Asahi. January 18, 2011
国立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum
The National Palace Museum is an art museum is the national museum of the Republic of China, and has a
permanent collection of over 650,000 pieces of ancient Chinese artifacts and artworks, making it one of the
largest in the world. Most of the collection is high quality pieces collected by China's ancient emperors.
The National Palace Museum located inside the Forbidden City in Beijing shares the same original roots.
MRT Shilin station and a bus connection the station and National Palace Museum.
The main entrance gate of National Palace Museum
The main entrance gate and hall of National Palace Museum
(L) Administrative building (R) Main building of National Palace Museum
(L) The access to National Palace Museum (R) An admission ticket to National Palace Museum
(L) The visitor drop-off area in the lower level, in the right. (R) A glass ceiling writing in Chinese's character his own history.
(左)故宮博物院展示室入口 (右)自叙帖をプリントしたガラス天井
A Night Fair at Shilin 士林夜市
The Shilin Night Market is a night market site in the Shilin District of Taipei City, Taiwan. It is the largest and
the most famous night market in the city. The MRT Jiantan Station of Danshui Line is the nearest station.
The market begins to open around 4 p.m. The time zone between 8 and 10 p.m. is the busiest. A business
continues operating after midnight.
(L) An advertisement seen in the front of Jiantan Station (R) A crowd in the Shilin night market
A crowd in the Shilin night market
(L) A strong smell is floating in the air from the food court in the Shilin night market.
(R) Standing on a footstool, a woman called the people to buy a special clothing item.
A Jiantan temple 慈誠宮媽祖
A lion dog at the Jiantan temple is rotating all the time by electric power.
All railway trains should be completely smoke -free.
イタリア鉄道旅行記 Italia Rail: Trenitalia
アイルランド鉄道旅行記 Rail Travel Ireland
フィンランド鉄道、路面電車、地下鉄 Railways in Helsinki, Finland
トロンハイム・オスロ間鉄道 Trohdheim-Oslo Railway, Norway
ボストン-ニューヨーク高速鉄道 Amtrak Acela Express/Boston_Newyork
シカゴCTA鉄道 Chicago CTA Rail
マイアミMETRO鉄道 Miami Metro Rail
ワシントンDC地下鉄・ユニオン駅 Washington DC Metro/Union Station
ストックホルム・アーランダ急行 Stockholm Arlanda Airport and Express
ストックホルム地下鉄・近郊鉄道 Stockholm County Railways
X2000の旅 X2000:Stockholm_Copenhagen Express
コペンハーゲン地下鉄・近郊鉄道 Greater Copenhagen Railways
バンコク・スカイトレイン・地下鉄・タイ鉄道 Bangkok Mass Transit/Thai Railways
台湾高速鉄道 Taiwan High Speed Rail
インド鉄道・地下鉄 Indian Railways and Dehli Metro
韓国高速鉄道・空港急行・地下鉄 Korea Train Express, Airport Express and Metro
香港空港エクスプレス・地下鉄 Airport Express and MTR, Hong Kong
中国高速鉄道 High-speed railway in China
ポルトガル地下鉄・鉄道 Portugal Metro, Railways
アムステルダム鉄道・市電 Amsterdam Rail
スペイン高速鉄道 High-speed train in Spain
バロセロナ都市交通 Barcelona Railways
パリ鉄道ターミナル Paris Rail Terminals
パリ地下鉄・近郊鉄道 Paris Metro_RER_Tram
フランス国鉄の旅 Railway Travel in France
ドイツ国鉄の旅 Railway Travel in Germany
スイス・オーストリア・ドイツ鉄道 EU Trains 2013
バンクーバー・スカイトレイン Vancouver Skytrain
カナダ・エドモントン地下鉄 Edomonton Metro
カナダ大陸横断鉄道・VIA Trans-Canada Railway, VIA
シアトル・モノレール、リンク鉄道 Monorail and Link railway st Seatle
米国アムトラックで氷河国立公園へ Amtrak: Seatle to Glacier National Park
サンフランシスコ・バート、 ケーブルカー、市電 San Francisco, cablecar, tram and Bart
アラスカ鉄道 Alaskan Railroad
モスクワ地下鉄 Moscow Metro
サンクトベルグ地下鉄 Saint Petersburg Metro
ロシア高速鉄道 Sapsan, high-speed train of Russia
ヘルシンキ・サンクトベルグ間高速鉄道 Allegro, high-speed train between Finland and Russia
ニュージランド鉄道旅行記 NZ Rail: Tranz Alpine/Scenic
オーストラリア鉄道旅行記 Brief Journey by Australian Rail
キャンベラ・シドニー間鉄道 Railways connecting Canberra and Sydney, Australia
ゴールドコースト・ライトレール Gold Coast Light-Rail
成田空港・東京間鉄道 Narita Airport-City Rail Service
東北新幹線・はやぶさ Japanese high-speed train 'Hayabusa'
秋田新幹線・スパーコマチ Japanese high-speed train 'Super-Komachi'
Smoking ban in the railway trains of the world
Taiwan 2009
Smoke-free Taiwan Yaoyuan Airport
Taiwan High Speed Rail
Taiwan Railway
Welfare and security support by Taipei MRT
Taipei along MRT line (Hot Spring Valley, National Palace Museum )
Taipei long MRT line ( Long Shan Temple )
Taipei along MRT line ( Taipei 101 Building )
Taipei along MRT line ( Grand Hotel Taipei, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall,NationalTaiwanUniversity )
Kaohsiung MRT, Kaohsiung Airport
Kaohsiung City
Smoke-free public transportation
No smoking guest room in Taiwan
Smoke-free restaurant and bar in Taiwan
Smoke-free Hospital
A new era in a chinese culture and life in the island of Taiwan.
Taiwan 2016
Railway trip in Taiwan 2016
Sun Moon Lake Hotel
Taipei Grand Hotel
Taipei Grand Hyatt Hotel
Taipei city tour 2016
Japanese influence on culture of Taiwan
執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
★This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The photographs were taken and the article was written in May 2009, revised in January 2017 by
Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright (C) 2009 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.
Smoke-free Hotel and Travel
Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking