Trip to USA and Canada

No smoking inside of building

This is a brief report of my trip to the northeast of United States and to the Quebec province in October 2007.

(L) JAL is flying over Canada and Northeastern area of the United States.
(R) New York JFK international Airport, Terminal 8. Every 5 minutes, there was an announcement of the warning,
'Please no smoking in the terminal' in a very distinct pronunciation. No smoking sign plate inside of the terminal 8.

(L) A cafeteria in the JFK terminal building. (M) A passage of the air terminal. (R) American Airline flight information.

Logan Boston International Airport and airport diagram.

Logan Boston International Airport has 6 runways, and is one of the 20 busiest airports in the United States.
The number of passengers is estimated over 26 million a year.

No smoking sign plate at the Logan Boston international airport.

A loading zone of the Logan Boston international airport.

(L) Two-different level public drinking fountain is convenient for children. (M) A warning sign plate for a lifting act.
(R) A stone ashtray stands near the airport entrance.

Massachusetts imposed tough smoking ban.

In July 2004, the state of Massachusetts banned smoking in all workplaces, including restaurants and bars.
Smokers face a $100 fine for each violation, and business owners who allow smoking in their establishment
face fines of up to $300.

Smoking restriction of the world airports


2970キロに及ぶ。ボストン・ニューヨークの2都市間の移動は Amtrak 鉄道(全米鉄道旅客輸送公社)のビズネス

飛び立ってからニューヨーク・JFK 国際空港で小型飛行機に乗り継ぎ、ボストンに向かう。

レストラン、バーでの喫煙は禁止されている。アメリカン航空専用ターミナル(terminal 8 )では、禁煙標識こそ全く
無かったが、5分おきくらいに明確な英語で、「 No smoking please 」のアナウンスが繰り返し放送されていた。

屋外での喫煙を認めているようだが、特に Smoking Area との表示はない。ターミナル外部にはスタンド灰皿のような

ニューヨーク・JFK 国際空港、およびボストン・ローガン国際空港内部では100%喫煙出来ない。それがなんの違和感

USA and CANADA 2007

Arrival to Boston State of Maine to the Canadian Border Quebec City Autumn-tinted Quebec, Montreal Ottawa
Vermont and New Hampshire Boston  Boston Railway Boston Subway  Amtrak Acela Express  Manhattan1
Manhattan2 New York Railway  New York Subway and JFK Airport

USA and CANADA 2010
Washington, DC Ontario Michigan

Canada 2011
British Columbia Alberta  Trip to Canada 2011 Vancouver North Vancouver Whistler
Skytrain  VIA train Jasper Icefield and Bow Summit Emerald Lake Lake Louise Banff Calgary
Edmonton Hospitals in BC and Alberta Tobacco control in B.C. and Alberta 2011

 Photography: North-eastern USA 2007

写真撮影 2007年10月 2007年10月執筆 2009年11月 英文加筆
執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This side is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
All photographs were taken in October 2007, unless otherwise described.
The article was written in October 2007, and revised in November 2009,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.

Copyright(C) 2007 Junhaku Miyamoto, All rights reserved.

To Maine

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel
受動喫煙防止条例  屋内全面禁煙  屋内喫煙設備撤去 鉄道車内完全禁煙 レンタカー レストラン バー 飲食店 ホテル 空港 喫煙規制
Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban
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