Smoking restriction in Thailand


A sunrise viewed from the Chao Phraya River, Bangkok, Thailand.

A carpet smoking ban inside of public places in Thailand

Thailand, where about 17 percent of the nation's 65 million people are smokers who consume 110 million
cigarettes daily, already bans smoking at public places such as government buildings, train stations and

Starting February 2008, smoking in bars, restaurants and even open air markets can be punished with
a 2,000 baht fine. Owners of venues that allow smoking could face a 20,000 baht fine.

The ban forbids smoking on public transport, at bus stops, in elevators, public phone booths, libraries,
theatres, children's playgrounds, drugstores, meeting rooms, massage parlors and spas. Smoking in
indoor stadiums is banned - excluding snooker rooms. The ban on smoking also includes schools and
educational institutes. Air-conditioned areas in art exhibition halls, galleries, museums, shopping malls,
barber shops, internet cafes and karaoke booths are no smoking zones. The ban includes the lobbies
of hotels, resorts, condominiums, apartments and restaurants, excluding entertainment areas. Smokers
are still allowed to smoke in their personal offices, individual rooms or rooms provided as smoking areas.

The 52,000 Thais died a year from smoking-related diseases, especially lung cancer and heart disease.
It cost the country more than Bt 50billion in healthcare services for patients with lung cancer, heart
disease and emphysema. The ban is to protect the health of nonsmoking people from 4,000 kinds of the
toxin in tobacco smoke.

The smoking bans in Europe, and North America had proven effective at deterring smoking. Thailand's
health ministry said the prohibition was meant to protect the health of the more than 600,000 people
who visit bars and
night clubs every day. Prof. Dr. Prakit Wateesatokkit, a secretary of Action on Smoking and Health
Thailand said. ”A smoking ban are just to reflect the government's position and to help businesses that
might need legal measures to make people stop smoking in their premises.”
Source: AFP, February 9, 2008.2.9, and others

Thailand introduced smoking ban in bars and restaurants.

The original anti-smoking law, introduced in 2001, banned smoking in all public places such as govern
-ment buildings, hospitals, shopping malls, parks and hotel lobbies, as well as in air-conditioned rest-
aurants. The latter were permitted to set up smoking areas as long as these were separated in a way
that prevented tobacco smoke from wafting through the non-smoking sections.The recent law amend-
ment extended the smoking ban to all air-conditioned nightclubs, pubs, lounges and bars and even
open-air restaurants and markets, whereas it is still permitted to designate separate smoking areas.
Proprietors reported few complaints from smokers after they implemented their measures.

Source: 2008.5.16 Macao Daily Times

Buddhist monks in the Grand Palace, Bangkok, Thailand.


A sunrise viewed from the Chao Phraya River, Bangkok, Thailand.


違反した場合、喫煙者は 2000バーツ、店側は2万バーツの罰金を支払わねばならない。なお、路上でタバコのポイ捨てを
行った場合、 2000 バーツ以下の罰金が科せられる。タイ保健省は2008年5月までを広報期間とし、実際に罰金を科す
(注)2009年1月現在 1タイ・バーツ=2.54円


Chatuchak Weekend Market in Bangkok.



Health Warning for smoking on the tobacco package in Thailand.
タイ国で販売されているタバコ 禁煙推進の会えひめ、大橋勝英先生提供

タイでは全人口 6500万人のうち、約17%が喫煙者で、1日1億1000万本のタバコが吸われている。2006年12月、

引用 2008.2.11 バンコク週報  Yomiuri on line

his photo shows Wat Chaiwatthanaram at Ayutthaya. The city was burned and sacked in 1767 by a Burmese Army.

タイ王国は喫煙規制先進国 20世紀前半まで「シャム」の名で知られていた国、1939年に国名をタイとし、現在の


(L) A temple tower beside the Emerald Buddha Temple, Bangkok
(R) No-smoking sign pates, found at the entrance to the Grand Palace, Bangkok.


No smoking sign plate in the grand palace, written in Thai, English, Chinese and Japanese

A smoking area in the garden of the grand palace, Bangkok

Although the Inside of cafe is smoke-free, a smoking is permitted at the outside terrace seat.

There was no smoking sign inside of cafe, which stands in front of the grand palace.
This cafe prohibits smoking in the sunroom seats, and no smoking sign plate was placed at each table.

No-smoking sign observed at the entrance gate of a temple, Bangkok.


(L) No-smoking sign at a shopping center in Siam Square, Bangkok
(R) A designated smoking area is the place very close to the entrance to a shopping center, Bangkok.

Inside of the Siam Square Shopping Center is completely smoke-free, Bangkok.

The Starbucks coffee shop in the Siam Square district is smoke-free, including the outside terrace seats.

Smokers in the sidewalk at the Siam Square district, Bangkok


(L) No-smoking sign observed at the food court next to the BTS Sala Daeng station.
(R) A man was smoking through the water pipe, known as 'hubbly bubbly'. Photographed near the BTS Phloen Chit station.
Phloen Chit BTS駅近辺で水タバコを吸う男

A total smoking ban is enforced at a beauty salon and barbershop, near the BTS Phloen Chit Station.

(L) No-smoking sign plate is often placed at the most conspicuous point of a shop ( in the center of Bangkok city ).
(R) The entrance of Paolo Memorial Hospital, Bangkok

No smoking sign and the front view of the Paolo Memorial Hospital, Bangkok


(L) No-smoking sign plate was placed on the hotel boat which links the Hilton hotel to the west bank of Chao Phraya River
and to the BTS Saphan Taksin station.
(R) Hotel buildings on the east bank of Chao Phraya River, viewed from Saphan Taksin Pier.


(L) No smoking marks placed on both sides of the entrance of a train of the State Railway of Thailand.
(R) A train window scenery en route to Ayutthaya

The night view of wat Chaiwatthanaram at Ayutthaya, the world heritage

遺跡の建物内は勿論、完全禁煙であるが、敷地内での喫煙は、ところにより禁止されていないようだ。 若い日本人

The photo shows the Wat Phra Ram, destroyed Buddhist statues.

(L) A smoke-free pub restaurant of Krungsri River Hotel, Ayutthaya
(R) An ashtray beside the stairway to the hotel entrance

がある。 法令で全面禁煙規制が敷かれている飲食店内での喫煙禁止はしっかりと守られているし、店主側も顧客サイド

Railways of Thailand

全面禁煙に踏み切ったタイ鉄道  タイ王国政府は、2008年2月の喫煙規制拡大の前の段階、2006年12月に政府庁舎、

A route map of the BTS skytrain and MRT subway train.
A thick line represents BTS, a thin line represents MRT.

スカイトレイン( BTS )と呼ばれている高架鉄道には二つの路線がある。1999年に開業した。シーロム線の最終駅、

A BTS skytrain and the forbidden clause posted at the Saphan Taksin station.

The interior of the BTS trains and no smoking sign plate.

スカイトレインに続いて建設されたのが地下鉄( MRT )である。2004年に開業した。チャトゥチャック公園駅
(BTS モチット駅)およびスクンヴィット駅(BTS アソーク駅)でスカイトレインと連絡する。最終駅は国鉄ターミナル、

(L) The entrance of MRT Chatuchak Park station and no smoking sign plate.
(R) A full size platform screen at the underground subway station.

Illuminated sign boards and no smoking sign plate on the wall at the stairway of the MRT Si Lom station.

(L) No smoking sign inside of the MRT subway train. (R) No smoking sign in the concourse of subway station.

The concourse of the Hua Lampong Subway Station.

タイの鉄道(State Railway of Thailand)はバンコクを中心に放射状に広がっており、車両は古く電化されていない。

No smoking mark at many places in the Hua Lampong Railway Station, including in the counter of a ticket office.

The Hua Lampong railway terminal station

The information plate to show the place of a smoking area in the Hua Lampong Railway Station.
There is only one smoking area in a platform of the station.

No smoking sign plates in most places of the Hua Lampong Railway Station.

(L) No smoking, no alcohol sign board place at the platform of Hua Lampong Railway Station.
(R) No-smoking sign plate at the entrance of a Thai railway train.


No smoking sign plate at the main platform of the Ayutthaya railway station, Thailand.

(L) No smoking sign plate in the tourist information desk at the Ayutthaya railway station.
(R) No smoking sign plate at the platform of Ayutthaya station.

No-smoking sign plate at a ticket office of the Ayutthaya railway station.

(L) The railway track between Bangkok and Ayutthaya.
(R) A Thai passenger is smoking at the rear end of a train.

であろうか、もう一人の男性が開け放されたデッキにつかまったまま喫煙し始めた最初の人に smoking place?

Smokers forbidden to light up in public areas.

Children are giving yells for the anti-smoking law at the Hua Lampong Railway Station, Bangkok, Thailand.

Every public area will become smoke-free following an order from the Public Health Ministry. Public Health Minister
Mongkol na Songkhla placed no-smoking labels at Hua Lampong Station. The minister said 52,000 Thais died a year
from smoking-related diseases, especially lung cancer and heart disease. It costs the country more than the Bt 50
billion in healthcare services for patients with lung cancer, heart disease and emphysema. The ban is to protect
the health of non-smoking people from 4,000 kinds of a toxin in tobacco smoke.

Source: The Nation 2006.12.29

Tobacco packages in Thailand
 Smoking rooms in hotels in Thailand
 Smoking ban in Bangkok and Ayutaya and in railways of Thailand

Arrival to Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport  The city of Bangkok Bangkok Palaces
Wat Pho, Wat Arun, Bangkok Floating market in Thailand  The railways in and around Bangkoko 
Ayuttaya, World heritage  Departure from Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport


写真撮影 2009年1月 2009年2月執筆  2009年10月英文加筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The photographs were taken in January 2009, the article was written in February 2009,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.

Copyright (C) 2009 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.

Leading Countries in Smoking Ban
Italy  Malta   Ireland    North Ireland  New Zealand  Hawaii  Australia
 USA/Canada  Guam Island  Denmark  Sweden    France  
 UK    Thailand   Taiwan    Iceland    Finland

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel
Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban
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