United States smoking ban
Miami International Airport

Miami International Airport

(L) Hilton Miami Airport hotel
(M) No-smoking sign plate at the entrance to the hotel bar.
(R) A head bartender of the hotel has a thorough knowledge about a smoking regulation in Florida.

(L) A garden bar of the Hilton Miami Airport provides an ashtray on the counter table.
(R) No smoking mark at the entrance door of the Hilton Miami Airport.

In a backyard of the hotel, there is a stand tobacco butt receptor and hotel employees had a short-time smoking break.

Hilton Miami Airport hotel: The number of smoking guest rooms of Hilton Miami Airport hotel is 30,
which locate on the 8th floor. The total guest rooms are 500, so that, the percentage of smoking room
to total is 6%.

It is not well known that the State of Florida is the first in the United states, that decided a smoking ban
in a public indoor space. It was in 1973, already pioneered more than 20 years than the state of California,
which enforced a smoking ban in a restaurant in 1994. Florida prohibits working in a smoking firm in 2002,
and a total smoking ban in a restaurant/cafe was introduced in July 2003. However, Florida's law
permitted to smoke in a bar, which alcohol sale is more than 90 per cent of the total proceed of sale.

Miami International Airport

A smoking area in the courtyard of the Miami International Airport.

The hall of a terminal gate of the airport, Miami, Florida.

Miami International Airport in the evening.

Smoking Restriction at Hotels in the World: Actual Survey
The ratio of a smoking guest room to the total hotel rooms was calculated,
based on the on-the-spot investigation.

Smoking restriction of the world airports


マイアミに別れを告げる前に、マイアミ国際空港に隣接するHilton Miami Airport Hotel にてフロリダ州の喫煙規制





States of USA, including of smoking ban

smorking ban New Jersey  New Jersey 
smorking ban Illinois USA Illinois 
smorking ban California USA California
smorking ban Beverly Hills California Beverly Hills 
smorking ban condominium Condominium of California
smorking ban Washington state State of Washington
smorking ban Oregon USA Oregon  
smorking ban Montana USA Montana
smorking ban Colorado USA Colorado
smorking ban Arizona USA Arizona 
smorking ban Maine USA Maine
smorking ban Vermont USA Vermont 
smorking ban Massachusetts Massachusetts
smorking ban New York New York 
smorking ban Maryland USA Maryland 
smorking ban Washington DC Washington,D.C.
smorking ban Virginia USA Virginia
smorking ban Minnesota USA Minnesota 
smorking ban Delaware USA Delaware 
smorking ban Ohio USA Ohio 
smorking ban Iowa USA Iowa 
smorking ban Utah USA Utah 
smorking ban Rhode Island Rhode Island 
smorking ban Nevada USA Nevada 
smorking ban Michigan USA Michigan 
smorking ban Wisconsin USA Wisconsin

 Arrival to Miami   Miami Beach  Miami Metro  Miami City  Miami Amtrak
 Sunny Isles Beach  Fort Lauderdale  Departure from Miami


2008年5月執筆および写真撮影 2009年10月および2013年12月英文加筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
Photographs were taken and the article was written in May 2008, by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright (C) 2008 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.

Chicago 2008

Travel over the World

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel

Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban

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