シカゴ ・市内郊外鉄道


Aerial view of Chicago, photographed in September 2010.
Copyright(c) 2008 Junhaku Miyamoto All right reserved.

Chicago is the largest city in the State of Illinois. More than 2.8 million inhabitants in the city
and is the third largest and most densely populated major city in the United States. It has a major
world financial center, with the second largest business district in the country. The city is the
home of three major financial centers, the Chicago Stock Exchange, the Chicago Board Options
Exchange and Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Manufacturing, printing, publishing and food
processing also plays major roles in the economy. Several medical products and services
headquarters are placed in Chicago, including Baxter, Abbott, and healthcare service division
of General Electric.

(L) A route map of the CTA and Metra, centering to the Chicago Loop. (R) Downtown Chicago view from an aircraft in May 2008.

The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) handles public transportation in the city of Chicago and a few adjacent
suburbs. The CTA operates a rapid transit elevated and subway system known as the 'L' (for "elevated"),
with lines designated by colors. These rapid transit lines also serve both Midway and O'Hare Airports.
The CTA's rail lines consist of the Red, Blue, Green, Orange, Brown, Purple, Pink, and Yellow lines. Both
Red and Blue lines offer 24 hour service, which makes Chicago one of only two American cities to offer rail
service every day of the year for 24 hours around the clock.
( Source:Wikipedia )

(L) An automatic vending machine for purchase a visitor's pass in the Chicago CTA railways. A credit card is accepted.
(R) It is easy to buy a ticket. A customer just follows a number '1' Select ,'2' Insert, on the display instructions, then,
a ticket will be issued after the '3' Take the scene.

(L) After purchasing a railway ticket, a passenger goes down by an escalator to the platform of the CTA terminal.
(R) The 2-day visitor pass of CTA.

The underground railway station of O'Hare international Airport.

(L) After leaving from the airport station, a train will go up to the surface. (M) The railway track runs between an expressway.
(R) A newly constructed station on route to the Chicago Loop. A total amendment work for railway facilities was underway.

(L) A highway road sign showing the way to Chicago Loop. (R) The CTA blue line Jackson Station at the Loop in downtown Chicago.

(L) An information board in which the detour route was written during the construction period of the Red Line railway track.
(R) Railway workers removing a half decayed sleeper on the overhead rail track.

CTA(シカゴ高架鉄道・地下鉄道)案内  シカゴ市内および郊外への移動にはCTA が便利である。特に2〜5日間、
から市内への所要時間は40分ほどである。市の中心部にある Jackson Station にはホームからエレベーターがあるが、


Travel by Train
All railway trains should be completely smoke -free.

イタリア鉄道旅行・シシリア Italia Rail: Trenitalia
アイルランド鉄道旅行 Rail Travel Ireland
フィンランド鉄道 路面電車 地下鉄 Railways in Helsinki, Finland
パリ近郊鉄道・地下鉄 Train in Norway, Trondheim to Oslo

米国・東北部鉄道旅行 Amtrak Acela Express: Boston-Newyork
パリ近郊鉄道・地下鉄 Washington DC Metro/Union Station
シカゴ鉄道 Chicago CTA Rail
マイアミ鉄道 Miami Metro Rail

ストックホルム・空港鉄道 Stockholm Arlanda Airport and Express
ストックホルム地下鉄 Stockholm County Railways
スエーデンX2000の旅 X2000:Stockholm-Copenhagen Express
コペンハーゲン近郊鉄道・地下鉄 Greater Copenhagen Railways
パリ鉄道ターミナル駅 Paris Rail Terminals
パリ近郊鉄道・地下鉄 Paris Metro-RER-Tram

韓国高速鉄道 Korea Train Express, Airport Express and Metro
タイ・バンコク鉄道 Bangkok Mass Transit/Thai Railways
韓国高速鉄道 Indian Railway
韓国高速鉄道 Dehli Metro
米国横断鉄道旅行 Airport Express and MTR, Hong Kong
台湾高速鉄道 Taiwan High-Speed Rail
台湾高速鉄道 China High-Speed Rail

シカゴ鉄道 Portugal Metro, Railways
マイアミ鉄道 Amsterdam Rail
シカゴ鉄道 High-speed train in Spain 2010
マイアミ鉄道 Barcelona Railways
 Railway Travel in France 2011
 Railway Travel in Germany 2011
サンフランシスコ鉄道 High-speed train in Germany, Austria and Switzerland 2013

 Vancouver Skytrain
パリ近郊鉄道・地下鉄 Edomonton Metro
パリ近郊鉄道・地下鉄 VIA train, Vancouver to Jasper
米国横断鉄道旅行 Amtrak: Seattle to Glacier National Park
サンフランシスコ鉄道 San Francisco: cable-car, tram and Bart
パリ近郊鉄道・地下鉄 Alaskan Railroad

 Moscow Metro
 Saint Petersburg Metro
 Sapsan, high-speed train of Russia
 Allegro, high-speed train between Finland and Russia

パリ近郊鉄道・地下鉄 Railways connecting Canberra and Sydney, Australia
米国・東北部鉄道旅行 Gold Coast Light-Rail
ニュージランド鉄道旅行 NZ Rail: Tranz Alpine/Scenic
オーストラリア鉄道旅行 Brief Journey by Australian Rail

 Narita Airport-City Rail Service
 Japanese high-speed train 'Hayabusa'
 Japanese high-speed train 'Super-Komachi'
Smoking ban in the railway trains of the world

O'Hare International Airport /Arrival Chicago CTA Chicago Metra Chicago 1961/2008 City of Chicago
O'Hare International Airport /Departure Smoking ban in public places in Illinois

シカゴ ・市内郊外鉄道
2008年5月執筆 2009年10月英文加筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The photographs were taken and the article was written in May 2008, unless otherwise noted,
by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright (C) 2008 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.

Chicago CTA

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel

Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban

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