Japan high speed railways
Narita International Airport
Narita airport provides 43 smoking rooms.

Narita International Airport

Narita International Airport Terminal

Narita International Airport is an international airport and is located 57.5 km east of Tokyo Station.
Narita handles the majority of international passenger traffic to and from Japan, and is also a major connecting
point for air traffic between Asia and the Americas. The airport handled about 35,500,000 passengers in 2007.

(L) A JAL aircraft in the Narita International Airport
A campaigning of noodle restaurant saying that you can freely smoke here, at the Narita International Airport.
Airport lobby space is smokefree, except for the designated smoking booth. Japanese law does not prohibit
smoking inside of restaurant. Therefore, a customer could smoke inside of a noodle shop in the airport.

Narita International Airport began banning smoking in restaurants
in Terminals 1 and 2 as of June 2010.

To prevent second-hand smoke in the public areas of terminals, put a light on tobacco is banned in
all establishments. Restaurants that already have completely partitioned smoking and non-smoking
sections are exempt from the ban for now. At such establishments, where cigarette smoke is blocked
off with walls reaching to the ceiling or sufficient smoke dispersal arrangements have been made,
customers are allowed to smoke. These restaurants have signs indicating that they have separate
sections for smoker and non-smokers.
Narita is the second airport in Japan to ban smoking in restaurants, to New Chitose, near Sapporo,
Hokkaido. A total of 78 food shops out of 83 will become smoke-free.
Source: Airport News Japan, July 25, 2010, and other.

(L) The above noodle restaurant went out of business in June 2010.
No more campaigning for smoking inside is allowed.
This noodle shop is now closed, and you cannot find it anymore.
(R) A smoke-free cafe was opened at the same site of the noodle shop in which smoking was allowed until 2010.

A smoking room in the Narita International Airport.

Door-less entrance/exit of the smoking space at Narita International Airport

Door-less entrance/exit of the smoking space at Narita International Airport
Photographed in March 2010

Japan Tobacco Inc. insists to keep a smoking room in all public places, including an airport terminal.
The researchers of the company propose the various separate smoking systems, like in the terminal
buildings in Narita International Airport, that is the same to the New Chitose Airport, Hokkaido.
There is no entrance and/or exit door at the smoking room. They claim tobacco smoke may not
flow into a passenger waiting lobby. The company had been tried every possible means to oppose
a total smoking ban.

Tobacco industry promotes the construction of designated smoking rooms as a way to sidetrack
efforts not to lose many smokers. A various study showed that nicotine vapor air monitoring in
a non-smoking area of the airport, next to a smoking room located in Terminal, reveals elevated
levels of ambient nicotine vapor in excess of what would be expected in a completely smoke-free
environment. Japan Tobacco Inc.(JT) introduced a strong aspiration and deflation systems of
tobacco smoke. The company said it provide a comfort effect to both smokers and nonsmokers.

Narita International Airport has, at least, 43 smoking booths or rooms around of the terminal
buildings. The number of smoking area is 24 at the Terminal 1 and 19 at the Terminal 2.
This would be the second largest number among airports in the world, next to Tokyo International Airport
( Haneda ). So many Japanese smoker tourists put the light on the cigarette in a smoking booth
at Narita before the departure of aircraft abroad. This fact also leads to the third-hand smoke problem
in the aircraft passenger space.

  A guide of at least 43 smoking rooms provided in the Narita International Airport,
which is the world's second largest. 成田国際空港喫煙所

Duty Free Shops

Narita 5th Avenue 2007

Narita 5th Avenue 2010

Tobacco Shop in the Narita International Airport
Health warning words are written in a small letter.
Cigarette packages are arranged attractive so that many smokers would purchase pressed by an irresistible impulse.
However, they can't predict their unexpected regretful future in many years after.

Well designed showcase at duty-free tobacco shop in Narita International Airport.

Japan Tobacco Inc.'s promotion booth at Narita International Airport:
In 2012, Japan Tobacco Inc. changed the name of MILD SEVEN to MEVIUS
to exchange public criticism of the word of 'gentle' or 'light'.
The adverse effect of the product to the human body is the totally same.

Smoking restriction of the world airports

Railway access to Tokyo central area from Narita International Airport 東京都心へのアクセス
Tokyo International Airport ( Haneda )
Kansai International Airport and local airports in Japan

JAL aircraft is slowly descending to Narita International Airport.(5 min.)





必要な講ずるように努めねばならない」ことである。 これは日本特有の罰則規定のない「努力義務」を求めた法律





2007年4月、成田国際空港第2ターミナルビルに「ナリタ5番街 Narita 5th Avenue」が誕生した。世界の一流品を取りそろえ
ブランド、ブテイック、免税店が新しいレイアウトで並んでいる。タバコのDuty-Free Shop もその一角にある。洗練された



2007年8月執筆 2008年1月加筆 2009年11月加筆 2010年7月索引加筆  2010年10月加筆 2012年11月一部加筆
執筆 医学博士 宮本順伯
This Web site is link-free.
This information was provided by the Smokefree Hotel and Travel.
The article was written in August 2007, and revised in November 2009, October 2010,
and last revised in November 2012, by Junhaku Miyamoto, M.D., PhD.
Copyright (C) 2007 Junhaku Miyamoto, PhD. All right is reserved.

Smoking Ban in Airports
Malta  Ireland   North Ireland   London  New Zealand-Christchurch   New Zealand-Auckland  Australia
Montreal  Vancouver   Calgary  Boston   New York France-Paris  Finland-Helsinki   Iceland
Guam   Chicago  Miami   Hawaii   Bangkok  Taiwan  Bhutan-Paro  Spain
Portugal  Netherlands Germany smoking ban Berlin  Haneda Sapporo Narita

Smoke-free Hotel and Travel
Restaurant hotel railway rent-a-car travel airport condominium smoking ban

   Twitter@worldviewtokyo  Twitter@smokefreejpn Twitter@criticismjpn